सोमवार, 30 अप्रैल 2018

भुजंगिनी मुद्रा [ BHUJANGINI MUDRA ]

भुजंगिनी मुद्रा
इसमें मुख को फैलाकर कंठ से बाहरी वायु खींची जाती हैतालु और जिह्वा के मध्य वायु के घूमनेसे शरीर में अद्भुत शक्ति का आविर्भाव होता हैयह मुद्रा अजीर्ण आदि उदर रोगों को नष्ट करने मेंभी बहुत उपयोगी है|
 Relax on the ground with the chest facing the floor.Lift the chest up, and legs up similar to Salabasana and do a complete Adho Mukha Navasana.Look up towards the ceiling and fix the gaze at a point from the centre of the brow (Bhrumadhaya).Inhale deep and exhale with the a hissing soundlike that of a snake.Antara Kumbhaka (for 15 seconds) can be practised in this mudra before exhaling.Exhale completely and rest on the floor.Repeat again 3 times if you are doing it with Antara Kumbhaka or 5 times without Antara Kumbhaka.
BENEFITS: This mudra strengthens the abdomen and eliminates toxic gases from the abdominal region. It activates digestive juices and strengthens the digestive tract. It also subsides hunger................................................हर-हर महादेव 

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